Rad Rooms
Rad room is the backbone of any imaging department. Depending on the specifics of the medical practice, it can consist of various configurations. Modern rad rooms have solutions that, above all, simplify and shorten diagnostic procedures of radiological imaging. In our offer, you will find highly efficient used rad rooms with different configurations, so you can easily match the system to the needs of your X-ray department.
Rad room is a complete radiology imaging system for the needs of various medical facilities and departments, including especially orthopedic, imaging, urology, pediatric, intensive care and many others. Optimum rad rooms solutions are based on ensuring the most effective and efficient diagnostic process. They save space and increase throughput in the office. Rad room, depending on the configurations used, can be automated or manual. In this category you will find used and refurbished rad rooms with various control options. The most advanced used rad rooms have a fully automatic and easy-to-use interface. They can be completely controlled automatically from the panel. Some available used rad rooms are based on semi-automatic mechanisms or are manually controlled. Due to the way the system is mounted, you can choose between floor-mounted, suspended or ceiling-mounted rad rooms. The offered used rad rooms, depending on the proposed model, can also be based on analog or digital technology.
In this category you will find complete systems of used rad rooms. They are equipped with powerful and efficient radiology detectors, ceiling or floor suspension and radiology table. Depending on the chosen configuration and availability of the used rad rooms offer, radiology tables can be fixed or mobile. The mobile table in used rad rooms allows automatic or manual lifting and tilting to bring the diagnostic tool as close as possible to the examination area. Some configurations of used rad rooms are equipped with both fixed and mobile detectors. This increases the quantity and quality of diagnostic procedures. You can easily examine a patient, lying, standing or sitting. Depending on the availability of the range of used rad rooms, the radiology room can also be equipped with a compact and efficient imaging system. Used rad rooms that meet the requirements for full performance while maintaining a small, compact size will work great in small spaces.
All offered used rad rooms will provide full flexibility and efficiency for your medical staff. The used rad rooms have been prepared for your next facility with special care. Our experienced team has taken care of the renovation and maintenance of the system. The used rad rooms have been very carefully verified in terms of performance and efficiency. Using our offer, you can supply your radiology department with used rad rooms that will provide comprehensive and accurate diagnostic imaging procedures in a configuration that meets the needs of your medical facility. Our team will provide you with efficient transportation and installation of the used and refurbished rad room at the location you specify.