Quick view Нет в наличии Bone Densitometers (DEXA) GE Lunar Prodigy Bone... GE Lunar Prodigy DXA (Dexa) Bone Densitometry System Excellent condition, tested
Quick view Нет в наличии C-arms GE OEC 9600 C-arm GE OEC 9600 System tested, cofirmed to be fully functional and in very good visual condition
Quick view Нет в наличии Bone Densitometers (DEXA) GE Lunar Prodigy Advance GE Lunar Prodigy Advance bone densitometer YOM: 2010 Tested, confirmed to be fully functional
Quick view Нет в наличии C-arms GE OEC 9900 Elite C-arm C-arm fully functional, very well maintained, tested. Vascular MTS Platform Includes all the Basic Vascular features plus Motion Tolerant...
Quick view Нет в наличии C-arms GE OEC Brivo Plus 865 C-arm C-arm in very good condition, tested, available immediately. 9inch image intensifier