Quick view Нет в наличии CR/DR Systems Fujifilm Capsula X CR System Fujifilm Capsula X CR System YOM 2009 4 cassettes included
Quick view Нет в наличии CT scanners GE Discovery CT750 HD CT... 64 slice CT scanner YOM 2009 Dual energy Excellent working condition Please see the 'Description' page for more details Gemstone...
Quick view Нет в наличии CR/DR Systems Fujifilm FDR D-EVO II... Fujifilm FDR D-EVO II Digital Radiography system 2 x Wireless Digital Detector A complete and fully functional flat pannel x-ray detectors...
Quick view Нет в наличии MRI Scanners Esaote E-scan XQ 0.2T MRI... Esaote E-scan XQ 0.2T MRI scanner YOM: 2005 Free standing RF cage included
Quick view Нет в наличии CT scanners Philips Ingenuity Flex 16... Ingenuity Flex and Flex configurations are comprehensive high performance systems ideally suited to routine CT studies, CTA, and advanced...
Quick view Нет в наличии MRI Scanners Esaote E-scan XQ VET 0.2T... Esaote E-scan XQ VET 0.2T MR YOM 2004 Fully functional, complete with phantom, coils, positioning pads RF free standing pavillion included
Quick view Нет в наличии CT scanners Siemens Somatom Definition... Siemens Somatom Definition DS Dual Source YOM 2006 with 2018 and 2020 tubes Excellent working and visual condition Please see 'Description'...
Quick view Нет в наличии CT scanners Toshiba Aquilion 64 CFX CT... Toshiba Aquilion 64 CFX CT Scanner Cardiack Package YOM 2009, tube YOM 2014 Excellent condition, de-installed and available from our...